Broadly, there are two categories of mobile apps available:
- View-heavy data-driven
- Email, Social, News, Todo
- Graphics-heavy drawing
- Games, Creative Art, Photo Editing
In this post I’m gonna focus on data-driven apps.
Screen Archtypes
- Login
- Register
- Stream
- Detail
- Creation
- Profils
- Settings
- Maps
Application Architecture
Learning to build real data-driven apps requires a few core concepts:
Views: Common Controls and View Layout
Events: Interaction and Event Handling
Navigation: Screen Flows and Navigation
Data: Models, Networking and Persistence
Platform: OS Services, Hardware, Accessing Sensors
Real data-driven apps usually require an API.
Apps display data and this comes from a source.
Most mobile apps rely on server-side APIs for data.
When developing mobile, consider what sources your app’s data is coming from / being saved to.
Many apps leverage existing APIs while others require a custom server-side component.
Mobile Client Architecture
Server Side API
Full Application Architecture
Controllers work with views and models to implement dynamic behaviors including:
Network requests (API interaction)
Persistence (Storing data)
Event handling (Button clicks, Data Input)
Navigation (Moving between app views)
- Views display data or receive data inputs.
Models on mobile usually reflect the server state for data retrieved via APIs including:
Model definitions (properties, relationships)
JSON/XML serialization/deserialization
Persistence Storage (database)
Data Formatters
Networking on mobile means interacting with a server in one of the following ways:
Interacting with models via a REST API
Displaying external images in the view
Audio/video playback
Socket programming (rare)
Leveraging device features including:
Bluetooth, AirDrop
Contacts, Calendar, SMS, Mail
Architecture Review
In summary, we have reviewed:
Mobile is growing fast and demand is high
We are focusing on data-driven app development
Data-driven apps require a server-side API
All mobile development has a consistent architecture
Mobile largely is MVC + Networking + Hardware